

Federica Lepori, Owner and regular teacher. Hello Community, I am very honored and grateful for this new adventure. I want CY to be a great container of emotions and spirituality. I am building a family that I believe in and that I hope will lead you in a safe and challenging way in this wonderful discipline. I believe that our body is our first home and that the love, respect and care of this home should be an integral part of our life.

Lo sport ha sempre fatto parte della vita di Federica, ma lo yoga l’ ha cambiata profondamente. Ha completato il suo Yoga Teacher Training specializzandosi in Hatha Raja Yoga sotto la guida della meravigliosa Ambra Vallo, raggiungendo così il brevetto internazionale Yoga Alliance RYT 275h. La formazione è parte attiva della sua vita e ha appena concluso un teacher training di Aerial yoga con Kat Walser e diversi altri piccoli TT in multi lineage con Ambra Vallo, sua mentore.

Nasce come insegnante di Hatha Raja yoga. Le sue lezioni si caratterizzano con una parte iniziale e finale dove si va a lavorare sul controllo e la capacità di governare la mente e il respiro, mentre nel corpo centrale si va a lavorare in modo intenso sul corpo fisico, facendo sempre attenzione al respiro e agli allineamenti.

Si diverte a dare la possibilità ai suoi allievi di incrementare la propria forza attraverso le lezioni di Power yoga, dove arti superiori e core lavorano in modo attivo per tutta la lezione.   


Susana de Sousa Tavares

Insegnante di Kundalini yoga, meditazione e mindfulness

Feeling a void in my life, I approached Yoga and oriental philosophies during my university studies, and then I began a quest for the meaning of life, embracing spirituality and cultivating my growing interest in physical, mental and soul well-being. Born in Lisbon, Portugal, despite my many interests, I graduated in Economics and I still work as a consultant and project manager in business strategy and sustainability. After a period of intense work as an employee in an American multinational company and a biographical crisis, I decided to become a freelance and I started a deeper process towards selfknowledge, starting from a period of “semi-heremity” over the mountains of Assisi in Italy. I started practicing Kundalini Yoga regularly in 2005, inspired by the teachings of Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, a direct student of Yogi Bhajan. Paralelly, I developed my interest and knowledge in the areas of conscious breathing, mindfulness, healthy nutrition and psychotherapy. Resident in Ticino since 2006 and mother of two, I support the ritualized and daily practice of yoga and meditation, I spread its benefits during pregnancy and promote natural and conscious childbirth. After twelve years of practice I got certified as a Yoga Teacher in London in 2017 by the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) under the guidance of Gurmukh Kaur Kalsa. In addition to teaching kundalini yoga regularly, I hold various types of workshops and organize retreats of yoga, meditation, mindfulness and detox. I also love mountain walks and jogging. In general, I am very active and enthusiastic in spreading salutogenesis and techniques with potential to expand consciousness, develop human dignity, increase the sense of responsibility and, in general, in stimulating human beings to take a more active role towards self-knowledge and self-acceptance. For more information check www.susanadesousatavares.net.




Alexi Love is a Merrithew/STOTT PILATES® instructor trained in Total Barre®, Matwork & Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, & Barrels and ZEN•GA®. She is fascinated by how we might move with more strength, grace and balance and the joy that movement can bring to people’s lives. She grew up dancing in the UK, moved to the US to study psychology and women’s health and now lives in Lugano with her husband and three small children.




Il movimento è sempre stato presente nella mia vita sin da piccola, con un background in ginnastica artistica, un diploma in danza classica metodo Vaganova, e diversi esami in modern-jazz con la Imperial Society Of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD).
A 49 anni ho incontrato lo yoga che ho ribattezzato la mia nuova danza. ( “Con 600 ore di certificazioni’) durante questo incredibile percorso fisico e mentale, ho scoperto le verticali e trovo immensa gioia non solo nel praticarle ma nell’insegnarle. Imparare a stare a testa in giù è gioia pura: ci fa tornare bambini, ci fa vivere nel momento, aiuta ad essere pazienti e a controllare le frustrazioni. Le verticali sono accessibili a tutti e a tutte le età!
Ho avuto la fortuna di imparare le verticali dai seguenti insegnanti:
@Yuval_on_hands @london_school_of_hand_balance @salt_ and_water @markdas



"I consider myself a lucky woman. I was born and raised in an open-minded family. I could live in a free environment that made me a sensible and kind person. I have always loved a healthy and sporty lifestyle, practising different physical activities. Only one has changed my life to the point of wanting to share it with others, Indeed during the spring of 2012 my Yoga journey began allowing me to blossom. After five years of practice, I initially undertook my first teacher training for pure personal research. Only while attending the course did I realise how Yoga was my vocation. During my studies, at the age of 20, life allowed me to start teaching and since then I have cultivated my profession.

I love exploring the practice of Yoga in all its nuances, from the more dynamic styles like Vinyasa, Power, Aerial, Handstand and Rocket, to the gentler ones like Hatha, Yin, and Restorative. I also enrich my spirituality daily through Yoga Nidra, Pranayama, and Meditation. I am always looking for physical and spiritual evolution, and I enjoy sharing my experiences with my students with passion and creativity. I work with the body to guide students into a state of deeper presence and self-mastery, paying attention to details and alignments, and exploring different rhythms.

Besides, I express my artistic side through drawing, cooking, my love for nature, and my care for my family.

This is what I love to do, sharing with people what Yoga teaches me, bringing awareness to the here and now."

I am a yoga teacher certified by "RYS 200h Yoga Alliance” in 2018.

Studied Aerial Yoga at "Cloud Aerial Arts" in Manchester in 2020.

I attended many workshops with Mark Kan (Dharma Yoga teacher), Ambra Vallo, and other awesome teachers I had the pleasure to learn from."