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The Foundations of Yoga: Asana, Pranayama & Mediation

30 Hour Immersion

Ready to elevate your yoga practice? This highly experiential, 4-day immersion held in-studio will offer in-depth guidance and extensive refined yoga theory and practice. We will review and deepen our practical application of ancient and traditional understandings of yoga along with the insights of functional anatomy, biomechanics, and kinesiology of movement, breathing practices, and the cultivation of awakened awareness. Each day includes a transformational, integrated practice led by experienced international teachers, Emily Pease and Kat Walser.


Thursday, 7. January | 12:00 - 18:30
Traditional Salutations

Explore traditional Ashtanga Surya A & B as well as a Classic C Salute and Beginner Modifications to Salutations. This will include the exploration of Sanskrit, rhythm and breath as well as an in-depth look at 3 foundational postures (Tadasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, and Sukhasana).  

Friday, 8. January | 9:00 - 18:30
Standing Poses: Parallel Hips, Open Hips and Balances

Delve into these familiar postures in order to gain confidence guiding and practicing safe - alignment informed - asana in a way that is approachable and sustainable. We will provide alignment instruction, offer modifications/variations, and talk about how the asana work with other series of postures in the context of sequencing. Students will be given time to explore cues for the particular postures. 

Saturday, 9. January | 9:00 - 18:30
Backbends and Twisting Postures

Sunday, 10. January | 9:00 - 18:30
Hip Openers, Arm Balances & Inversions

Who will benefit from this Immersion?

This 30 Hour Immersion is a part of our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training curriculum. We have opened it to the public as well because we believe that the content is informative for both future teachers and current practitioners of yoga. Before attending the Foundations of Yoga immersion we ask that you have an introduction to the practice of yoga (through the lens of any yoga style).