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The Art & Science of Sequencing: Designing Transformative Yoga Practices

30 Hour Immersion

Whether you are a yoga practitioner looking for inspiration for your home yoga practice, or a yoga teacher seeking guidance in designing creative, progressive (biomechanically-informed) class sequencing, this immersion is for you. 

Most yoga classes today are either uniformly prescribed sequences (as in Ananda, Ashtanga Vinyasa, and Bikram), which can lead to repeated stress injuries, or they seem to be a random creation in which the lessons are arranged in an unsafe manner. In contrast, the art and science of sequencing invites us to make the lesson creative, yet rational and inspiring, applying the insights of functional anatomy and biomechanics in ways that makes the asana practice safer, more accessible, and more sustainable. 


Thursday | 12:00 - 18:30
Theory of Sequencing: Exploring the Arc of Class

Friday | 9:00 - 18:30
Sequencing for a Peak Pose

Saturday | 9:00 - 18:30
Sequencing for a Concept or Theme

Sunday | 9:00 - 18:30
Beyond Class: Sequencing a Workshop or Experience

Who will benefit from this Immersion?

This 30 Hour Immersion is a part of our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training curriculum. We have opened it to the public as well because we believe that the content is informative for both future teachers and current practitioners of yoga. Before attending the Foundations of Yoga immersion we ask that you have an introduction to the practice of yoga (through the lens of any yoga style).